Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lunch for me.

Work has been really hectic lateley.  I just got 2 new 20in widescreen monitors with the brightness and contrast set at like 100%.  The reason for this? Working with excel sheets 60+ columns wide and programing Macros for it and HTML in Dreamweaver on tiny square monitors totally blows.  This also means that i dont get to eat lunch until like 4pm everyday.  Eating lunch this late makes me feel like shit when i play soccer now :/

Surprisingly, this Beef Merlot shit thing is pretty good.  The meat was savory and the carrots had some snap to them!

This is also by the far the easiest thing to make.  You dont have to puncture anything, rotate, change temperatures or anything.  Just open the box, put it in as it "self ventilates", 4min and ur done.  Really a godsend then your brain isnt being too creative.

Chicken Testicles at Chinese Hot Pot

Ok not exactly lunch, but i was tricked eating these little bastards.  I was told they were the "house special chicken" and that someone used a melon baller to peel out a section of tender chicken breast. i was lied to.  for the size that chickens are in comparison to humans, these things were HUGE!  They had the consistency of chunky jello (in a decent way) and tasted like a very rich chicken.  Personally, i would not order these out of want.

This shirt is more awesome then you will ever be.


Jon Hom said...

mmmmmmmmm the vans deforejadjkjia

annie said...

chicken nuts!
so yummmy!
im sorry we tricked you...
it wasnt supposed to be so tricky

but they were so yummy
why didnt everyone think so?

Pearl said...

LOL wait so annie actually buys chicken nuts to eat regularly???

myshittylunch said...

hahaha she just likes them a lot