Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sweet Surprises


Well I learned the other day that eating so little for lunch is really bad when you play soccer for 2 hours afterwards. The pizza was decent, and the banana was a sweet delight....for my mouth...and not in that sick fuck. I have been getting into Diet Soda lately. I can rarely finish a full 12oz can and these diet sodas come in mini 6-8oz cans. They are much easier to finish and really don't taste that bad. I think I am just getting old.

Its Fruit in the office.

You know, these lean cuisine sandwiches, I will actually recommend. Every single one I have had has been pleasantly tasty. They are on the small side and will probably have you hungry later on in the day, but other then that are relatively easy to make, and not so bad on the pallet. Now those cookies are pure dust pucks. They suck balls. seriously. But for some reason, i CAN NOT STOP EATING THEM. Every time i stop by the kitchen i have to grab a bag. I eat one cookie, then get disgusted and let them sit on my desk. Then 20 min later ill eat another, and another and so on. gross.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING will ever beat the Fudgsicle. NOTHING EVER!!!!

nom nom nom,


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