Thursday, October 9, 2008

Beef and shit

Roast Beef Sandwhich (I made it here)
The Laughing Cow Original Swiss Cheese Triangle Thing
Captain Crunch w/ Low Fat Milk
Black Coffee


So today was filled with DOUBLE BONUS!!!

I ate a super shitty breakfast, more on that later, and ate what you see above for lunch.  A co-worker gave me some of her Pocky, so that was pretty cool. Unpictured is a butterfinger mini bar I ate on the way to my desk.

I think I will post some pics of our kitchens tomorow.  

Every Friday we have catered lunches which usually result in above average meals for me.  Anyways, that you will have to wait for tomorow.Here are my bonuses for you.

Jimmy Dean Sausage Croissant
Shiracha Hot Sauce

Now if anyone effing knows, these croissants take a PhD to make.  You have to use the defrost function first for like two minutes then nuke it at 40% power or somethign rediculous.  Every time i make this little fuck it comes out hard as a rock.  Have you ever even used the defrost function on a microwave? It asks you all these stupid questions like "What type of frozen item are you putting in? Beef? Lamb? Fish? Chicken?"  Where the hell is the option for frozen croissant breakfast sandhwich. god.  And to top it off you have to wrap the thing in a paper towel....which ends up sticking to the croissant. 

Well the good news is, i got it to work.  It came out almost fine but a little crunchy [read: frozen] in the middle.


It's fucking pocky, what more is there to say.

nom nom nom,



Jon Hom said...


Jenny said...

i f-ing love laughing cow. if i was that delicious i would be constantly laughing as well.