Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So this is the new year

Well not really.

I’ve been lazy. Fucking lazy.  For the past couple of weeks, I have been off and running around town at lunch running errands.  This includes everything from finding the perfect keychain to getting new glasses.

Did I mention I have a really bad cough now? Oh yeah, this led to me breaking a rib.   How awesome right?  So I am in pain from a fractured rib, and still eating shitty lunches.  I present a smorgasbord of shit.

Some Pizza
Some Wings

Lipton's Chicken Soup (comes from powder packet)
Turkey Sandwhich

China food Dimsum @ Sea Empress in Gardena

Some sandwhich. I forget.
Twix Bars

Jimmy Dean sausage patties in Kings Hawaiin Bread

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Man im tired

Jimmy Dean Sausage patties
Kings Hawaiin Bread

Sigh i feel tired. This was a pretty good lunch. Home made sliders with breakfast sausage patties. Pretty damn good! I couldn't finish them all however and gave one of them away.

Vegetable plate

By Far the worst, LEAST FILLING meal i have had. I played 1.5 hrs of soccer after eating this for lunch too, Sure it was tasty, but this was my only meal. Why you ask? Because i had no time to eat anything else :(

Luigi's Italian Restaurant
Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich with Fries.

Decided to be a little fancy today. FAILED MISERABLY. This place was HORRIBLE. WORST STEAK CHEESE SANDWICH EVER!!!! Basically just fried roast beef and put on bread with a slice of cheese. SO DISGUSTING AND SALTY!! The fries also somehow melted through the Styrofoam. WTF! TOXIC FRIES UGH. F------. WILL NOT SHOP AGAIN!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sweet Surprises


Well I learned the other day that eating so little for lunch is really bad when you play soccer for 2 hours afterwards. The pizza was decent, and the banana was a sweet delight....for my mouth...and not in that way....you sick fuck. I have been getting into Diet Soda lately. I can rarely finish a full 12oz can and these diet sodas come in mini 6-8oz cans. They are much easier to finish and really don't taste that bad. I think I am just getting old.

Its Fruit in the office.

You know, these lean cuisine sandwiches, I will actually recommend. Every single one I have had has been pleasantly tasty. They are on the small side and will probably have you hungry later on in the day, but other then that are relatively easy to make, and not so bad on the pallet. Now those cookies are pure dust pucks. They suck balls. seriously. But for some reason, i CAN NOT STOP EATING THEM. Every time i stop by the kitchen i have to grab a bag. I eat one cookie, then get disgusted and let them sit on my desk. Then 20 min later ill eat another, and another and so on. gross.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING will ever beat the Fudgsicle. NOTHING EVER!!!!

nom nom nom,


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lunch for me.

Work has been really hectic lateley.  I just got 2 new 20in widescreen monitors with the brightness and contrast set at like 100%.  The reason for this? Working with excel sheets 60+ columns wide and programing Macros for it and HTML in Dreamweaver on tiny square monitors totally blows.  This also means that i dont get to eat lunch until like 4pm everyday.  Eating lunch this late makes me feel like shit when i play soccer now :/

Surprisingly, this Beef Merlot shit thing is pretty good.  The meat was savory and the carrots had some snap to them!

This is also by the far the easiest thing to make.  You dont have to puncture anything, rotate, change temperatures or anything.  Just open the box, put it in as it "self ventilates", 4min and ur done.  Really a godsend then your brain isnt being too creative.

Chicken Testicles at Chinese Hot Pot

Ok not exactly lunch, but i was tricked eating these little bastards.  I was told they were the "house special chicken" and that someone used a melon baller to peel out a section of tender chicken breast. i was lied to.  for the size that chickens are in comparison to humans, these things were HUGE!  They had the consistency of chunky jello (in a decent way) and tasted like a very rich chicken.  Personally, i would not order these out of want.

This shirt is more awesome then you will ever be.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

shitty in disguise

Hello everyone.

Our kitchen here at work was restocked. Its usually restocked about once a week by both Costco and Ralphs. Its insane how much food we actually go through. One item which goes quickly, ive noticed, is the Orange Juice.  We'll buy like 6 bottles and they will all be drained in under 2-3 days. REDICULOUS!

Any who, off to my shitty lunches.


Lean Cuisine Sweedish Meatballs and Pasta

Jimmy Dean Mini Breakfast Sausages
Super Trisquits (like 15x the fiber of a normal trisquit)
Half a Cinnamon Roll

I microwaved the mini patties and put them inbetween some King's Hawaiin Rolls with some Arugula, Mayo, and Catsup. It was surprisingly tasty!

The super trisquit things are really good. Its basically like eating pure fiber and have a really nice crunchy/dry texture.   I wish i remembered the name of them as i am much to lazy to walk to the kitchen.

Sticker from Cuties brand tangerines. SO GOOD!



Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another day, another good lunch?

Glass of Water

Well on Monday I ended up going home and Chipotle for Lunch.  Went back with my roomie/Coworker and then ended up playing Rock Band for a while.  Metallica is so much fun on this damn thing!  I only ended up eating half of my bowl because i wanted to play Rock band so much hahaha.

Rock Band Action

Whole Wheat Pita sandwhich
Yoplait Strawberry/Banana Yogurt
Orange Juice

Sliding sad ice cream

Bonus.  So i was out on saturday with the roomies. We got drunk and decided to get some Mcdonalds Ice Cream on the way home.  I freaking dropped my ice cream and it started sliding down the drive way really slowly. it was so sad.



Friday, October 17, 2008

2 for 1

Lean Cuisine Sandwhich thing
Mini Corn dogs
Hawaiin Punch

Seafodo Gumbo
Collard Greens
Mac n Cheese